If you’re aiming to enhance your understanding of medical coding for orthopedic services, whether you’re new to the field or a seasoned professional, there’s always room for improvement. With over 15 years of experience in medical coding for orthopedic services, AnnexMed believes that staying on top of the latest guidelines and optimizing your processes is key to success. In this article, we’ll share effective tips to help take your orthopedic billing and coding skills to the next level. With just a few small tweaks to your current workflow, you can increase your productivity, lower your denial rates, and ensure you’re capturing optimal reimbursement for the services you code.
Understand Orthopedic Terminology and Anatomy
To properly code for orthopedics, you need to understand the terminology and anatomy. The musculoskeletal system comprises the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves. Common conditions include fractures, sprains, strains, arthritis, and injuries.
Know Your Bones
The major bones of the appendicular skeleton include the humerus, radius, and ulna in the arm; femur, tibia, and fibula in the leg; and the phalanges in the fingers and toes. The axial skeleton consists of the skull, spine, ribs, and sternum. Fractures of the femur, tibia, and spine are common in orthopedics.
Joints and Connective Tissue
Joints like the knee, hip, and shoulder are frequently treated in orthopedics. Ligaments connect bones to bones, while tendons connect muscles to bones. Sprains involve ligament damage, and strains involve muscle or tendon damage. Tears of the meniscus, ACL, and rotator cuff are common.
Muscles and Nerves
Major muscle groups include quadriceps, hamstrings, biceps, and triceps. Nerves transmit signals from the brain to muscles. Pinched or compressed nerves need to be identified.
To properly code an orthopedic visit, determine the specific bones, joints, or connective tissue involved and whether the issue is an injury like a fracture or sprain, or a condition like arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. Understanding anatomy and terminology will help ensure accurate coding and billing for orthopedic services.
Use Specific CPT Codes for Orthopedic Procedures
Choose Accurate Evaluation and Management Codes
When billing for orthopedic office visits, choose E/M codes that accurately reflect the complexity of the visit. For new patient visits, use codes 99201-99205. For established patients, use 99211-99215. The level depends on factors like the patient’s medical history, number of diagnoses, and time spent examining the patient.
Bill Fracture Care and Casting Properly
For fractures and injuries requiring casting or splinting, use CPT codes 29000-29085. These include initial and subsequent fracture care, as well as codes for non-surgical fracture reductions and the application and removal of casts and splints. Make sure to bill both the evaluation and management code for the office visit and the appropriate procedure code.
Use Specific Codes for Injections and aspirations
Bill for injections, aspirations, and other minor procedures using codes like 20600-20615 for aspirations and injections of joints or trigger points, or 27096 for injections of the knee joint. When performing multiple injections, bill the most complex injection as the primary procedure. Lesser injections may be billed as add-on codes.
Bill for Braces, Slings and Strapping
For services like bracing, strapping, and splinting that do not require casting, use codes 29200-29220. These include codes for shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, and ankle braces and strapping. Like fracture care, bill both an E/M code for the visit and the appropriate procedure code. Using the proper CPT codes for the procedures performed helps ensure maximum and appropriate reimbursement for your orthopedic practice. Take time to review code descriptions and guidelines to bill confidently and accurately. By choosing the right codes, you’ll get paid for the services you provide.
Verify Diagnosis Codes for Musculoskeletal Conditions
To properly bill for orthopedic services, you must ensure you’re using the correct diagnosis codes. For musculoskeletal conditions, there are specific codes to indicate the location and severity.
Bones and Joints When a patient comes in for a broken bone or joint issue, pinpoint the specific bone or joint affected. Codes for the femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, and phalanges specify different bones. For joints like the knee, hip, or shoulder, indicate if it’s a sprain, strain, or more serious injury like a fracture or dislocation. Using the proper bone and joint codes will ensure you get paid accurately for X-rays, casting, or surgery.
Muscles, Tendons, and Ligaments
Muscle strains, tendonitis, and ligament sprains also have designated codes. For example, codes for shoulder impingement syndrome or rotator cuff injuries differ from codes for a torn knee meniscus or Achilles tendon rupture. Specify the muscle, tendon, or ligament involved and if it’s an inflammation, strain, tear, or rupture for the correct code.
Injuries and Fractures
The severity of breaks and fractures determines the code. A non-displaced fracture of the distal radius would use one code, while a comminuted fracture of the same bone would use another. For injuries, codes indicate if it’s an initial encounter for the care of an injury, a subsequent encounter, or an encounter for the treatment of a fracture or dislocation. Using the proper severity and encounter codes will result in maximum reimbursement.
Double-checking your diagnosis codes for accuracy is well worth the effort. Correct coding for musculoskeletal conditions and injuries will reduce claim denials, minimize audits, and ensure maximum reimbursement for your orthopedic practice. Staying up to date with the annual ICD-10 code changes will help your coders choose the most appropriate diagnoses and get your claims paid right the first time.
So there you have it, simple ways to step up your medical billing and coding game in orthopedics. Don’t let the complexities scare you. Start with the basics, brush up on those CPT codes, utilize technology to your advantage, and never stop learning. AnnexMed has been working with Orthopedic providers across the country to provide top-notch Medical Coding and Billing Services. We recognize the nuances and complexities involved in this field, emphasizing the significance of continuous learning and harnessing technology to maximize efficiency.
Contact us for a seamless orthopedics RCM experience for your healthcare organization.